It's time to be big...
...It's time to be bold.
New year, new goal! Georgia College Miracle has set our total goal for the 2024-2025 Dance Marathon at $100,000! This is an incredible opportunity for our program, and we can not wait to get started on this journey! To achieve this goal, we have many fundraising events throughout the year that assist the miracle family in raising this money, but to really reach our goal, we need YOU.
This is our time. This is our movement. This is our year to make history. Are you ready to build a better future for the kids?
This year is not about GC Miracle; it is about EVERYONE on campus. Everyone coming together to do something truly incredible for our kids.
Seem scary? We can help!
We have been making miracles happen for 20 years. So, we have come up with numerous ways to help raise the money. Click the button below to find strategies that will help you reach your fundraising goals.