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$100 Day

What is $100 Day?

26hr Fundraising Push in MSU Donahoo Lounge

Our $100 Day is our annual campus-wide event where we dedicate the day to fundraising for the kids. We challenge everyone on campus to raise $100 in one day. The way we see it? We would do absolutely anything to make sure our miracle kids and families feel thought for and cared for in advance, so we're choosing to fight to build a new hospital and give our kids the resources that they deserve. 


Is there a goal?

$45,000 for the 45,000 patients that BKO Children's Hospital treats yearly.

As a Miracle Family, we focus on the importance of our why, and this year we want to put every single kid at the forefront. It's simple, tomorrow, we plan on looking at every $1 as a symbol of a kid who deserves to be just that, a kid. 


How do you participate? 

Hang in the Hype Room (MSU). Register on DonorDrive. Check out our resources. Celebrate our kids.

We intend to have a fun-filled day of celebrating every single one of our kids by joining throughout the day. 

Follow us on social media (@gcmiracle) to keep up with the fun throughout the day & feel free to join us. 












*Peep our whole squad after raising $42,012 in ONE day last year. 

Any questions may be directed towards this year's Executive Director, Sara Goodelman  at (678) 702-4914 or can be answered throughout the day in the Hype Room. 


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